March 22

Trust your Lover God and refuse to worry, for He is your strength and love.  You are feeling week this morning, looking at difficult times ahead, measuring them against your own strength.  However they are not today’s tasks – or even tomorrow’s. so leave them in the future and come home to the present, where you will find your Love r God.  Since He is your strength, He can empower you to handle each task as it comes.  Because He is your Lover, he can give you joy as you work alongside Him.

Keep bringing your mind back to the present moment.  Among all His creatures, only human s can anticipate future events.  This ability is a blessing, but it becomes a curse whenever it is misused.  If you use your magnificent mind to worry about tomorrow, you surround yourself with uncertainty.  However when “Shared Love” surrounds you and fills your thoughts with love.  Though eternal love is in the future, it is also present now.  As you walk in “Shared Love” wit Him, you hbave one foot on earedth and one foot in heaven.

About georgehach

I am a retired Lay Minister, acting as a prophet for God to understand the end times that is coming and how to prepare for it.
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