
One of the best benefits you can achieve in this world based on “”Shared Love” is the benefit of Peace regardless of what you are dealing with in your life. Let’s delve into this, using some of my daily prayers.


Lord, protect us from all anxiety and fill us with confidence in your care, so that the peace which passes all understanding may dwell in our hearts.


Stay with me, Lord, as dawn turns into day. Stay with me so that I may carry this feeling of peace through everything I do today. Stay with me so that I may feel what you feel, see as you see. Stay with me, giving me strength and courage. Stay with me, allowing me to feel your loving compassion so that I may share it with others. Stay with me, my Friend, so that I am become a true friend to others. Amen.

First day

O God, this is the first day of the rest of my life. Fill. my heart with the inward joy and serenity that comes from living cross to you. By the Holy Spirit may I bear whatever ills and crosses that I meet with a good courage and may I endure what I must endure. And always and in all things may I give you thanks, for the Love I share with you. Amen.

Being Quiet

Lord, I want to be quiet inside and hear your words for me. I know that your voice can give true peace to my heart. Give me the strength to quiet myself each day that your voice may truly be the guide in my life. Fill me with the courage to trust and obey the messages you give to me. Let me feel through your words your deep love for me, that I may know the real peace you have promised. Thank you, Lord, for continually speaking words of love to me, even when I block them out with my noise. Be patient wi8th me as I slowly create quiet spaces in my life for you. You are so good to me, and I love You. Amen.

Serving Peace.

O God, whose grace is sufficient for our needs, lift us above our doubts and anxieties into the calm of your presence so that guarded by your peace, we may serve you fearlessly. Ameen.

Prayer for Inner Peace

Lord, You have promised us a peace that passes all understanding – a peace the world cannot give, but one that comes only from You. It rests on the “Shared Love” with our Lover-God.” It is a peace that endures in the midst of challenges and assignments. Lord, help us to communicate this peace to others as we speak of Your love and help. Help us to remember the promise of Your presence with us at all times. May Your peace surround us as wew come and go, rest and work, and worship in church and at home. Amen.

I hope this has help you how to achieve that peace.

About georgehach

I am a retired Lay Minister, acting as a prophet for God to understand the end times that is coming and how to prepare for it.
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